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image of onboarding lessonimage of lesson 1
image of lesson 6

Your Next Actions

  • Near the bottom of the LYT Kit MOC note is a note called LYT Glossary.
    Open up that note.
  • In the LYT Glossary note, review the terms Ideaverse, Note-makers, and Note-takers.
  • Take a look at some of your own notes. Were you note-taking or note-making?
  • Try to identify a few notes in your vault that you’d like to further develop over time.
  • You don’t need to start on them all today, but consider briefly adding your unique perspective to one of the notes in front of you now, either in the LYT Kit or in your own vault. It can be just a sentence or two, but it’ll hopefully start you on the path to note-making.

    The big 4 NoMa Method prompts were:
  • That reminds me...
  • It's similar because...
  • It's different because...
  • It's important because...