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Stop letting your note-making muscles atrophy. Start rebuilding your muscles of thinking critically, creatively, connectively, and generatively—all at the same time.
“Sensemaking through note-making” is so vitally important that I want to share with you to a free hands-on interactive session where you are put in a focused environment to work out your most valuable muscles.
But for this to work, you have to do the work. Are you ready to lean forward?
You’ll see me on the inside,
Every LYT Workshop has 4 hands-on sensemaking sessions.
I love these things!
They are high-value training sessions where we work the note-making muscles. From a list of things, we rapidly make meaning and generate ideas and insights.
These “LYT sprints” are not just a fun exercise; they are a way to rebuild our muscles of thinking critically, creatively, connectively, and generatively—all at the same time."
Sensemaking through note-making" is so vitally important that I want to invite you to a free hands-on, interactive session where we will all work together.
Lean forward.