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Writing Original Works™ (WOW)

Hone Your Unique Writing Voice
Create a reliable writing process
make writing easy Using Linked Notes

Discover a reliable process that turns your notes into clear, meaningful writing.

Join the WOW Course

Use linked notes to write original works

Course type
May 13 - June 4, 2024
Enrollment fee
$1, 507
Last day for enrollment
April 30, 2024

Do you ever think…

I don't have anything original to say, and even when I do, I don't know how to say it.
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I have all these ideas but can't seem to put them all together into a finished piece.
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Why would anybody want to read what I say?
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Why do I always seem to get stuck halfway? Why do I abandon my writing so often?
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I want to share my ideas but am too worried about what other people think.
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If any of these resonate with you, there is a way to take the power back. I know because I've been there. I've felt all of these at some point—especially feeling like my words weren't good enough.

Here's my story.

I buried a book I wrote because I was shamed

In December 2014, I printed a draft of my book. It was 194 pages and 43,000 words. Now, almost ten years later, I’m staring at it again for the first time and I have tears in my eyes. I poured my heart and soul into it—weaving together meaningful life lessons into a book I called “Amateur’s Quest”. 

But because of one person’s opinion, I buried the book.

For the past ten years, I’ve hidden from the shame I felt from the feedback I received. Are you wondering what he said? Well, I took good notes ;)

  • You sound like the guy at the psych ward, lol, self-aggrandizement.
  • Your title is insulting. Am I the amateur? Are you? Is this young adult?
  • It's a terrible title for self-help. It’s like you’re telling me a convoluted joke.

Even if what he said wasn’t completely untrue, it was completely demoralizing. I basically paid a bitter man to kick me in the groin. It was W.B. Yeats who said “Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” 

I stopped dreaming after that.

I switched careers and moved to LA a year later. I focused on working my way up in TV, first as a lowly production assistant, and last as part of the editing team on the final season of Better Call Saul. I loved rapidly learning and rising within the industry.

Fast-forward to March 2020. I joined the brand new Obsidian forums on Discord. In the early days of the pandemic, everyone was connecting online in new ways. Those were the best days in Discord. We would all geek out on each new Obsidian update and excitedly explore the ramifications with each other.

By May 2020, I did the thing I hadn’t done in years: I shared something vulnerable with strangers. It was the first version of Ideaverse Pro—a starter kit of linked notes. 

This time, no one said I should seek mental help.

Instead, everyone was curious. They shared insights and they had questions. So, in between editing a TV pilot, I continued to iterate on my starter kit and share new versions. And more comments arrived. It was a wonderful feedback loop.

Looking back on those days, I can say this with 100% certainty:

Without the Obsidian community, Linking Your Thinking would not exist.

I want to create that space for you. I want to give that feeling to you. Because we need you. 

Now, more than ever in this world of regurgitated writings, gross AI text, and false personas; we need you to be able to communicate as the Truest You—the Youest You—as you can possibly be.

Your writing is welcome. Your voice has dignity. Your words have meaning.

Imagine overcoming everything that's blocking you from writing at your best

I want to help you unlock whatever it is that is getting in your way, whether it’s some psychological barrier or some practical problem or some combination of both.

Since 2020, I’ve written so much I can’t even calculate the amount. Here is an incomplete list: 

  • 2000 significantly original notes, 250 newsletters, 150 YouTube videos
  • 500 mini essays in a Choose Your Own Adventure format
  • 200 live trainings, 200 educational course lessons
  • 10 in-person speeches, 2 short stories, 1 screenplay
  • 1 book proposal
  • and in a little over two years, a traditionally published book.

But don’t celebrate that! Celebrate the change. 

Because for the six years prior, I was too scared to write anything.

Yes, I was bursting with ideas, but I kept them buried until I found the right environment (the Obsidian forums)—and the right process (using linked notes)—to support my words until I fully found my voice.

I created Writing Original Works to help you find your voice.

What if you could get past your sticking points?

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What if you never had to face a blank page again?
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What if you could overcome perfectionism?
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What if writing didn't feel like a chore?
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What if you could get the right people to listen to you?

Writing Original Works

Build Unstoppable Writing Momentum
Using the Power of Linked Notes

We are trusted by thinkers at the following institutions

The WOW Course in a nutshell...

Who's it for?

The WOW Course is for those who have a lot of ideas but struggle with turning them into original works—whether that is a 100-word essay or a 1,000 page novel. 

What will I learn?

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to use linked notes to catalyze your ideas and generate valuable insights.
  • Proven techniques and workflows to move your writing from fledgling ideas to finished work.
  • A reliable process using linked notes to write original works.

What is included?

In this course, you can expect clear and focused lessons with instructional videos including in-depth, hands-on demonstrations that teach you how to write with linked notes. The course covers six timeless principles of writing in their own modules. Let’s learn more about it below.

Achievable next actions and takeaways for each lesson so you can easily put what you learn into practice immediately.

Hard-hitting self-assessment survey to help you fully understand find and vanquish your writing sticking points and unlock blindspots with your writing process (We call it the Creator's Codex).

Proven techniques to write more powerfully with fewer sticking points by using linked notes to move between two writing styles (the Architect and Gardener).

Access for the lifetime of the course including future updates.


The cost of the course is $1500 $500 USD.

Your Writing Original Works Experience

How we provide a complete solution to your writing process.
Super Sessions
Workflow Sessions
Expert Sessions
Showcase Sessions
Live Guided Exercises
Writing Submissions
Modular Curriculum
Actionable Lessons
Discussion Spaces
Ideation Rooms
Writer's Log
Writing Workflows
Writing Techniques
Personalized Assessments

Live Sessions

Nick's Super Sessions are the flagship sessions of the workshop and provide a mixture of actionable frameworks, guided exercises, targeted interactions, and even extended Q&A's after the formal sessions.

Nick's Workflow Sessions complement the Super Sessions by drilling powerful techniques and applying them, live, to your own writing.

The Expert Sessions cover applied uses of writing with linked notes, specifically for novels, research papers, and literary editing.

The Showcase sessions happen near the end of the workshop where students show their
newly created writing process. These inside looks are incredibly rare, inspiring, and invaluable to all who are able to witness them.


Writing Exercises

Each Super Session is loaded with guided exercises designed to educate as they strengthen a writer's clarity and capabilities.

Almost every lesson in the WOW Curriculum has an actionable exercise to encourage immediately applying the ideas within.

Our weekly writing submissions take the form of 250-750 word essays (or excerpts from longform writings).


Writing Education

The WOW Curriculum is spread across six modules. The curriculum provides a holistic education on the writing process.

*See the modules below for more details.


Writing Community

Our Campfire Discussions and Tavern Chat spaces allow you to learn not just alongside but from your peers in one of the most supportive and connective communities out there. These spaces are great for discussing writing workflows, interesting concepts and ideas we're inspired by, and so much more.

The Writer's Log is a great optional space offering a lightweight place to briefly share a bit of (or about) your writing each day and help you maintain a regular writing habit throughout WOW.

Optional Peer Feedback helps you get a fresh perspective (and encouragement!) on your submission each week and allows you to unlock new insights on your own writing process as you offer feedback to others.


Writing Techniques & Workflows

Writing Techniques will get you to make reliable advances in your efforts by applying the Architect & Gardener framework in powerful ways.

Writing Workflows will help you string together trusted steps that will almost guarantee your writing efforts will make a series of satisfying progress.

*See the modules below for more details


Personalized Assessments

The WOW onboarding Assessment helps clarify how you are showing up for the workshop and what you aim to achieve.

The Creator's Codex Quiz provides insights into your natural thinking style and your common sticking points-along with guidance on how to overcome common pitfalls according to your results.

Live Sessions          

Nick's Super Sessions
These are the flagship sessions of the workshop and provide a  mixture of actionable frameworks, guided exercises, targeted interactions, and even extended Q&A's after the formal sessions.          
Nick's Workflow Sessions
complement the Super Sessions by drilling powerful techniques and applying them, live, to your own writing.
The Expert Sessions
These are the flagship sessions of the workshop and provide a  mixture of actionable frameworks, guided exercises, targeted interactions, and even extended Q&A's after the formal sessions.          
The Showcase sessions
happen near the end of the workshop where students show their newly created wnting process. These inside looks are incredibly rare, inspiring, and invaluable to all who are able to witness them.

Achieve Mach 1: Confidently set up and work more effectively

Quickly and smartly format text. Confidently set up your settings. Customize your visual experience. Develop your core navigational abilities. You will work on...

Achieve Mach 1: Confidently set up and work more effectively

Quickly and smartly format text. Confidently set up your settings. Customize your visual experience. Develop your core navigational abilities. You will work on...

Achieve Mach 1: Confidently set up and work more effectively

Quickly and smartly format text. Confidently set up your settings. Customize your visual experience. Develop your core navigational abilities. You will work on...
Network Chart Background Top Left to Right Corner

Turn your notes into clear, meaningful writing

Manage a lifetime of knowledge and build an endless creativity engine that puts you back in control of your most valuable resource: your thoughts

You will be able to...
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Find Your Voice: Uncover and reclaim your unique perspective to express yourself with confidence.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Break Through Blocks: Transform creative obstacles into breakthroughs using powerful frameworks.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Master Workflows: Establish step-by-step processes for consistent and satisfying progress.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Infuse Personal Style: Craft impactful and meaningful work that captivates your audience.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Communicate Clearly: Overcome fears and perfectionism to share your ideas confidently.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Develop a Creative Process: Maintain momentum and turn ideas into tangible outputs.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Gain Practical Tools and Techniques: Use exercises and frameworks to enhance your creative process and productivity.

Your support team

We think you are going to be pleasantly surprised by the amount of support you have during the workshop.

The WOW Curriculum

The Worldview Module
...will unravel how you can show up in the world and fully express yourself—to feel heard and seen. If you feel like an imposter or are frustrated with your ability to express yourself, the Worldview module will help you unlock, reclaim, and own your unique voice.
You'll learn:
  • How to find and unlock your unique voice.
  • How to reclaim, own, and wield your unique worldview.
We get there by:
  • Taking the WOW Assessment.
  • Explore your thinking signature results.
  • Guided exercises in my first super session.
  • The LYT Spark List™ circuit of lessons and exercises.
  • Filtering best practices to separate the signal from the noise.
The Techniques Module
...will get you to make reliable advances in your efforts by applying the Architect & Gardener framework in powerful ways.
You'll learn:
  • How to dislodge yourself from your chronic sticking points.
  • How to turn mental squeeze points into breakthroughs.
  • How to easily switch between Architect & Gardener.
  • How to use linked notes to stay in Flow.
We get there by:
  • Practicing "Collect to Calm" to overcome overwhelm.
  • Practicing "Cluster for Clarity" to gain crystal clear perspective.Learn how to "Map the Gap".
  • Practicing "Collide to Create" to generate effortless insights.
  • Learn how to "Resolve the Tension" in your writing.
  • Plus: Shadow Mapping, Pin the Map, and many more...
The Workflows Module
...will help you string together trusted steps that will almost guarantee your writing efforts will make a series of satisfying progress.
You'll learn:
  • How to know what you need to do next.
  • How to know when to do move to the next step.
  • How to schedule when to do it.
  • How to actually do it.
We get there by:
  • Gardeners will practice “Freewrite, Rewrite”
  • Architects will practice “Prewrite, Freewrite, Rewrite”
  • Daily notes users will practice “Daily Spark & Weekly Arc”
  • Daily notes users will practice “First Light, Last Light”
  • Gardeners will set up their “Garden Master” workflow
  • Architects will set up their “Landscape Architect” workflow
The Style Module
...will empower you to feel the satisfaction of infusing yourself in your work, along with the deeper joy that comes from crafting work that actually means something to you.
You'll learn:
  • How to make your writing make an impact.
  • How to cultivate a strong call to action.
  • How to tell stories to compel interest.
We get there by:
  • Knowing the storytelling elements you need (and don't need) for your work.
  • Practicing the best lessons from wordplay in ancient rhetoric. For example:
  • Use chiasmus, once, never twice, to make a memorable impact.
  • Use anadiplosis to build momentum to a logical conclusion.
  • Many, many, more.
  • Turning common phrases into uncommon twists.
The Outputs Module
...will ensure you can reliably communicate your ideas without letting fear or fuzziness or false beliefs muzzle your voice.
You'll learn:
  • How to package and share your work in your preferred medium.
  • How to convert your scattered ideas into clear works.
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome, indirectly.
  • How to overcome perfectionism, indirectly.
We get there by:
  • Finding and developing layered forcing functions to compel our writing.
  • Learning how to sense when you need to move to the medium.
  • Leveraging "works in progress" and feedback loops.
  • Learning when to hide your notes.
The Process Module
...will get you to feel the power of having a reliable process to turn your ideas into insights, and your insights into outputs
You'll learn:
  • How to "Lower the Bar" and keep momentum going.
  • How to write confidently even if not consistently.
  • How to recover momentum when it has stalled.
  • How to find and develop the "Flywheel Effect".
We get there by:
  • Using the Creators Continent to tangibly map your writing process.
  • Using a "Session Before The Session" to reignite lost momentum.
  • Setting up a "Permissions List" to keep your expectations ground.
  • Setting up time management methods that work for you.

I've been writing for decades, and have taken many (MANY!) writing workshops, but...this one made me feel capable of getting back into sharing my work.

Michelle Thompson

Expert guided sessions

Subject-matter experts give you targeted deep dives into specialized areas.
Expect at least two 60-minute sessions from each of them
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Robert Schick, Ph.D

Academic Writing & Research
Rob Schick is a Senior Scientist at Southall Environmental Associates. He is a quantitative marine ecologist, and has a masters and PhD from Duke University. His research focuses on the impact of humans on marine mammals. In particular he examines how human caused sound in the ocean changes movement and diving patterns, in an effort to minimize our impacts and conserve biodiversity.

Millions of academic papers are published each year, and yet a small few are relevant to researchers and writers as they embark on a new manuscript. How do we make sense of what is out there? How do both read them, ingest the information, and make connections across papers and ideas? How do we remember them when we need them? No workflow is perfect, and mine is always a work in progress. As such, I'll talk about my current workflow that comprises Obsidian, the Excalidraw plugin, Zotero, and Overleaf which is a collaborative writing software.
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Kimberly Peticolas

Blank Page Blueprint
Kimberly Peticolas is an experienced editor, writing coach, ghostwriter, and literary agent. She works with publishing companies as well as indie authors across many genres including (but not limited to) business, leadership, self-help, memoir, sci-fi/fantasy, mystery/thriller, literary fiction, YA, and children's.

Kimberly is a self-proclaimed "forever student" of all things relevant . . . (and some not-so-relevant). She has a BA from University of Southern California, an MA from University of Leicester (England), and post-grad certifications in editing, publishing, and technical writing from University of Chicago, New York University, and California State University Dominguez Hills respectively.
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Lionel Davoust

Understanding and Taming the Chaos of Creation in Fiction Writing
Lionel Davoust is a best-selling, award winning writer in France, doing fantasy, science-fiction, and thrillers, with a dozen books and over 35 short stories in publication. His work has been hailed as the "French Game of Thrones”.

Lionel has a breakthrough method of writing fiction and worldbuilding—which includes the LYT frameworks.Writing fiction is one of the most demanding workflows there is, especially on longer forms, as cold, hard reason battles with what Steven Pressfield calls « The Mystery » – a mix of feeling, inspiration, gut and aesthetic.

Your core team

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Dan Lardi

Head of marketing and operations
You will see Dan everywhere. When he’s not handling the operations of LYT, he’s making sure we all have a smooth workshop experience—including handling any technical issues.
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Nick Milo

Your workshop pilot and creator of LYT
I will be leading us through the workshops—especially the Super Sessions and Workflow Sessions. I will introduce new concepts and take us through live, hands-on exercises twice a week.
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Keaton Sondreal

Workshop director
Keaton is directing the workshop and helping to make sure everyone has the best experience possible. You will see and hear from Keaton throughout the workshop. He will make sure you get the most out of our time together.
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Laila Faisal

Workshop manager
Along with helping coordinate our support team, Laila will be ensuring it's always a positive experience as you connect and engage in our learning and community platform, Circle.

Workshop schedule

Official workshop dates: May 13 - June 4, 2024
Starts on June 14th and ends on July 22nd, 2022
Super Sessions
9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
Dates: May 14, 21, and 28
Workflow Sessions
9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
Dates: May 16, 22, and 29
Expert Sessions
Throughout the week
Sensemaking sessions
Weekly curriculum release
LYT Showcases
Dates: May 30, 31, and June 3
Note: all main live sessions are recorded and will typically be released within a few hours of each event.
Week 1
Orientation Day
May 13
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🔆 Super Session
May 14
09:00 -10:30 AM, PDT
🧩 Deep Dive: Rob Shick
May 15
9:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🌊 Workflow Session 1
May 16
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🍻 Social Event: Happy Hour
May 17
Happy Hour A: 06:00 - 07:00 AM, PDT

Happy Hour B: 04:00 - 05:00 PM, PDT
Week 2
Orientation Day
May 13
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🔆 Super Session
May 14
09:00 -10:30 AM, PDT
🧩 Deep Dive: Rob Shick
May 15
9:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🌊 Workflow Session 1
May 16
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🍻 Social Event: Happy Hour
May 17
Happy Hour A: 06:00 - 07:00 AM, PDT

Happy Hour B: 04:00 - 05:00 PM, PDT
Week 3
Orientation Day
May 13
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🔆 Super Session
May 14
09:00 -10:30 AM, PDT
🧩 Deep Dive: Rob Shick
May 15
9:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🌊 Workflow Session 1
May 16
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🍻 Social Event: Happy Hour
May 17
Happy Hour A: 06:00 - 07:00 AM, PDT

Happy Hour B: 04:00 - 05:00 PM, PDT
Week 4
Orientation Day
May 13
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🔆 Super Session
May 14
09:00 -10:30 AM, PDT
🧩 Deep Dive: Rob Shick
May 15
9:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🌊 Workflow Session 1
May 16
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🍻 Social Event: Happy Hour
May 17
Happy Hour A: 06:00 - 07:00 AM, PDT

Happy Hour B: 04:00 - 05:00 PM, PDT
Last week
Orientation Day
May 13
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🔆 Super Session
May 14
09:00 -10:30 AM, PDT
🧩 Deep Dive: Rob Shick
May 15
9:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🌊 Workflow Session 1
May 16
09:00 -10:00 AM, PDT
🍻 Social Event: Happy Hour
May 17
Happy Hour A: 06:00 - 07:00 AM, PDT

Happy Hour B: 04:00 - 05:00 PM, PDT

Join Now

Writing Original Works

Build a Powerful Writing Process
Hone your voice and improve how to write original works you are proud of–all while writing with linked notes.

WOW Course

Clear and focused lessons with instructional videos including in-depth, hands-on demonstrations that teach you how to write with linked notes
Achievable next actions and takeaways for each lesson so you can easily put what you learn into practice immediately
Hard-hitting self-assessment survey to help you fully understand find and vanquish your writing sticking points and unlock blindspots with your writing process (We call it the Creator's Codex)
Proven techniques to write more powerfully with fewer sticking points by using linked notes to move between two writing styles (the Architect and Gardener)
No-questions-asked, 7-day 100% money-back guarantee
Access for the lifetime of the course including future updates



Payment plan is available in checkout.
Enrollment closes on April 30th
Enrollment ends April 30th at 11:59 PM Pacific

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from our incredible students who are progressing faster.
"I've been writing for decades, and have taken many (MANY!) writing workshops, but...this one made me feel capable of getting back into sharing my work."
Michelle Thompson
"The simplicity and depth of the frameworks shared in WOW is mind-blowing! ... I doubt you would find a more complete and high-value experience."
Kian Mokhbery
"Before the journey with the WOW Workshop, I was stuck looking at a blank page. Now, I'm deeply encouraged to get writing and have a reliable process to go after creating new writings consistently! Thank you!!"
Shawn Geraty

Do it together to do it better

Students from around the world, in industries large and small, have used the techniques and exercises in this course to find their voice, improve their writing, and gain a powerful community of creative allies committed to the messy practice of developing a reliable process for writing original work.
The session before the session worked!!!! I got back into my playwriting project this morning thanks to [this technique], and I am super jazzed…suddenly I was bursting with “sparks becoming remarks” like popcorn in a cast iron pot.

– Playwright and screenwriter, Hallie Palladino

Meet the creator of Linking Your Thinking

Hi, I'm Nick Milo.

I’ve spent the last 15 years using digital notes to create and grow a fitness boxing into an international company, produce two independent feature films, become a TV and film editor, and—perhaps most importantly—to calm my thoughts and make better sense of the world around me.
image of nick milo

Hi, I'm Nick Milo.

I’ve spent the last 15 years using digital notes to create and grow a fitness boxing into an international company, produce two independent feature films, become a TV and film editor, and—perhaps most importantly—to calm my thoughts and make better sense of the world around me.

I’ve tested and stretched the limits of Personal Knowledge Management in the “real world”:

  • from the fitness industry 🏃‍♂️  to the film industry 🎬
  • from the football field 🏈   to civil engineering 🏗
  • from strength training 🏋️‍♂️  to the boxing ring 🥊
  • from public speaking 🎤  to content creation 🎨

What I’ve learned is this: being effective at managing knowledge is a superpower—and linking your thinking supercharges it.

The frameworks I teach unlock our ability to work with ideas in a way that is fast, flexible, and future-proof. I have taught the principles of linked notes to thousands of people with great results. These principles are flexible enough for you to shape them to your unique use cases and personal needs.

I’ve tested and stretched the limits of linked notes in the “real world”:

  • from the fitness industry 🏃  to the film industry 🎬
  • from the football field 🏈   to civil engineering 🏗
  • from strength training 🏋️  to the boxing ring 🥊
  • from public speaking 🎤  to content creation 🎨
What I’ve learned is this:

Being effective at managing knowledge is a superpower—and linking your thinking supercharges it.

The frameworks I teach unlock our ability to work with ideas in a way that is fast, flexible, and future-proof. I have taught the principles of linked notes to thousands of people with great results. These principles are flexible enough for you to shape to your personal needs—no matter what you want to do.
image of nick milo

A week in the life of a WOW writer

Imagine it's the Monday of Week 2. Last week, you only had five hours to devote to the workshop, but you're excited because this week you have seven.

At 9:00 AM Pacific, you attend the expert session with fantasy novelist Lionel Davoust because you want to write fiction someday, and you've heard he's figured out how to write 1400-word novels using linked notes as the foundation. You attend and it's amazing. 

On Tuesday at 9:00 AM, you attend Nick's second Super Session. This 90-minute session weaves in theory with hands-on-the-keyboard writing exercises and targeted breakout rooms. It's kind of intense, but you're developing your unique voice and making breakthroughs on your writing efforts. 

On Wednesday at 9:00 AM, you attend Nick's second Workflow Session. In this 60-minute session, you further stress-test the techniques and writing tactics to your actual writing. You not only leave with more originally written work, but with a growing sense of confidence in your writing process. 

On Thursday, you have a work meeting at 9:00 AM Pacific, so later you watch the recording of Kimberly Peticolas' expert session on how to kickstart your manuscript with confidence.

That's only 5 hours, so on Friday you spend half an hour in our online "tavern" to read the chats and then the "campfire" to read the deeper discussions. You spend another half hour watching the starred lessons in the Technique and Style modules. You spend the last hour rewriting the 750-word section of a chapter you've been working on in Nick's live sessions, and you post it as your Week 2 submission.

In just seven hours, you are thrilled with your writing progress. Not only did you write words you are proud of, you significantly improved your writing process. It's a reliable, repeatable process that you've never had before. Wow, indeed!

P.S...In Week 3, you are busier. You only have two hours to spend in WOW, so you attend Nick's Super Session and then give yourself permission to watch the other events and lessons later. You feel good about that because you know you have lifetime access to the recordings. 


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the Writing Original Works Course. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat with our support team.
What is your refund policy?
You can request a full refund by contacting us at within the first 7 days of the course. Please note that no withdrawals or refunds will be processed after this initial 7-day period.
Can I request for a reimbursement from my employer?
Many organizations offer an education budget that covers the cost of our course.

If you need guidance, please feel free to email us at

You can also use this proposal template.
What if I can't attend live?
Can't make it live? No worries, we will record the whole event and everyone who buys a seat will have access to the recording forever.
How long will I have access to the program?
You will have lifetime access to the program. Plus, as we update the curriculum and continue to provide resources for the course, you will continue to have access to those updates.
What should I expect out of the WOW course?
Writing Original Works focuses on the process of expressing your ideas.

The WOW course will help you do the following:

Turn your linked notes into clear, meaningful writing that connects with your readers.

Learn how to hone your voice and improve how you write original works you are proud of.

Experience a complete solution to your writing process, regardless of your unique use-case.

Build sustainable momentum using the power of linked notes.
What shouldn't I expect out of WOW?
Writing Original Works focuses on writing process leveraging linked notes, but does not cover fundamentals of "how" to use a notemaking tool like Obsidian.

However, free resources like the Ideaverse Kit for Obsidian do offer a great knowledge management foundation.

To learn more about (and master) the tool Obsidian itself, my separate product, Obsidian Flight School does just that and more.

It also won't cover most of my opinions, strategies, and tactics on managing ideas. These are more deeply covered by the LYT Workshop.
Do I have to use Obsidian?
No. You'll just want to use something that allows you to link notes quickly.

So that would be something like Obsidian or Roam or Remnote or Athens or anything that allows for link-based notes can work.
I'm new. What type of technical help can I expect?
That said, please have a basic understanding of how to make links and how to make tags. This is not a course on teaching you Obsidian!

Now as far as the WOW Course, all the examples are shown in Obsidian, and the fancy advanced features are not needed. I'll talk about some cool hotkeys from time to time, but the focus is squarely on how we can work with link-based notes. These are timeless fundamentally no matter the software.
What’s the difference between this Writing Original Works course and the LYT Workshop?
The Linking Your Thinking Workshop is our flagship offering. It’s for when you want to create your custom & connected thinking system—a system you can use from the rest of your life to do your best thinking more often.

Let’s use the ARC Framework (Add, Relate, Communicate) to compare each. The LYT Workshop covers all of them, but focused Adding and Relating ideas, whereas WOW puts the most focus on Communicating ideas. Think of WOW as complimentary to the all-powerful LYT Workshop; more targeted towards writing, and with an extra emphasis on Communicating.

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