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Workshop 14 is now open for enrollment
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Linking Your Thinking

Learn the system that transforms ideas into inspired work

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Taught at
Network Chart with nodes and edges

Where are your ideas getting stuck?

At the start when you're adding stuff?
In the middle when you’re relating ideas?
At the end when you’re communicating things?

Once you know where you are getting stuck,
the ARC Framework can help you get unstuck.

new ideas

Over Consuming


I’m consuming too much of other people's stuff, but I don't know how to fix it.

Sticky Point

Your rarely go from “spark” to “remark”


You never develop your own ideas.

Quick Solution

When you say "that's interesting", say why (extra credit if you make a note).


Creatively Stuck


I find it hard creating new ideas and find myself getting stuck creatively.

Sticky Point

Difficulty in sparking fresh ideas.


You never develop your own ideas.

Quick Solution

Practice idea association exercises to overcome blocks.

your ideas

Conveying Ideas


I have the ideas. I have the desire. But I can’t figure out how to effectively share them.

Sticky Point

Articulation challenges.


Ineffective communication of valuable ideas.

Quick Solution

Improve communication skills and seek feedback for better idea expression.

Construction Crane
to know ideas
Horizontal DotsHorizontal Dots

Over Consuming


I’m consuming too much of other people's stuff, but I don't know how to fix it.

Sticky Point

Your rarely go from “spark” to “remark”


You never develop your own ideas.

Quick Solution

When you say "that's interesting", say why (extra credit if you make a note).


Creatively Stuck


I find it hard creating new ideas and find myself getting stuck creatively.

Sticky Point

Difficulty in sparking fresh ideas.


You never develop your own ideas.

Quick Solution

Practice idea association exercises to overcome blocks.


Conveying Ideas


I have the ideas. I have the desire. But I can’t figure out how to effectively share them.

Sticky Point

Articulation challenges.


Ineffective communication of valuable ideas.

Quick Solution

Improve communication skills and seek feedback for better idea expression.

You can master the flow of your ideas.
You can turn fuzzy thoughts into tangible outcomes.
You can consistently create your most meaningful work.

You might just need a system that works for you.

Network Chart Background Top Left to Right Corner

Learn the "system of small dots"

Manage a lifetime of knowledge and build an endless creativity engine that puts you back in control of your most valuable resource: your thoughts

You will be able to...
Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Take back control of your thoughts to confidently orient your mind and direct your actions.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Learn better—faster, more efficiently, more deeply—by knowing how to build rapid, rich, & reliable webs of context.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Think better—critically, creatively, connectively, and generatively—so you can improve how you solve problems, add value, innovate, and imagine.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Have a future-proof note system that makes it easy to read, write, share, and teach.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Find old ideas fast—and reliably.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Unlock your unique perspective and generate more insights.

Light Purple Circle with Tick Mark Icon

Transform your ideas into creative output—dependably and joyfully.

Purple Brain Icon

Get Started

You'll need 3 things...
The notes, the skills, and the system.

Free - $129

🌌 Get the Notes

Get my ideaverse system for linked notes. It's a complete system that can support and power you for a lifetime of notes, ideas, and meaningful work.

$250 $129

🚀 Get the Skills

Learn how to harness the full power of the Obsidian app. The result? You will start making notes at the speed of thought!

$ 4,500 $1,499 - 2 Workshops + 12 Months

☀️ Create your own System

Create your own knowledge system that will lead to your best work and last you a lifetime.

Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Easy to start
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Instantly feel more creative
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Take only what you need
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Easy to start!
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Instantly feel more creative
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Take only what you need
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Fast clarity and confidence
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Easy to start
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Instantly feel more creative
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Take only what you need
Tick Mark with Light Circle Icon
Fast clarity and confidence
Nic Milo

Hi, I'm Nick Milo.

I’ve spent the last 15 years using digital notes to create and grow a fitness boxing into an international company, produce two independent feature films, become a TV and film editor, and—perhaps most importantly—to calm my thoughts and make better sense of the world around me.

I’ve tested and stretched the limits of linked notes in the "real world" from:

  • the fitness industry 🏃 to the film industry 🎬
  • the football field 🏈 to civil engineering 🏗
  • strength training 🏋️ to the boxing ring 🥊
  • public speaking 🎤 to content creation 🎨

What I’ve learned is this: Being effective at managing knowledge is a superpower—and linking your thinking supercharges it.

The frameworks I teach can unlock your ability to work with ideas in a way that is fast, flexible, and future-proof. I’ve taught thousands of people with great results. That's because these principles are flexible enough for you to shape according to your personal needs—no matter what you want to do.

Start Linking Your Thinking!

Get our email course "The Ultimate Primer to Linking Your Thinking" to start creating an ideaverse that can support and power a lifetime of memories & ideas.

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Tick Mark Icon
Easy to start
Tick Mark Icon
Instantly feel more creative
Tick Mark Icon
Take only what you need

Does Your Mind Get Stuck?

The Information Age has been brutal to our ability do our best thinking.

Confused Man On a Bench Icon
Question Mark Icon in Circle
Are you longing for a greater sense of control over your thoughts and ideas?
Question Mark Icon in Circle
Are your ideas slipping away?
Question Mark Icon in Circle
Trapped in a cycle of consuming info without effectively applying what you've learned?
Question Mark Icon in Circle
Struggling creating something meaningful from your insights?
You are not alone.
You can take the power back!

Our customers say it best

"If you are looking for a "language" to exchange ideas between your most inner-self and the external world, this workshop is for you."

Name Surname

Position, Company name

"If you are looking for a "language" to exchange ideas between your most inner-self and the external world, this workshop is for you."

Name Surname

Position, Company name

"If you are looking for a "language" to exchange ideas between your most inner-self and the external world, this workshop is for you."

Name Surname

Position, Company name

Next Arrow Icon
Next Arrow Icon

Before I took LYT, I was overwhelmed by both software and systems, now that I've been through it I have found a way to manage myself first and adapt my system.

While there are many workshops on how to best manage information, this is the only one where you are actively supported in the development of your very own PKM system.

Mat Rhein - 2022-12-10T02:42:35.000Z

Mat Rhein

I am so grateful for this community of such talented and intelligent people. I am always learning new things from them and getting questions answered by a very warm and curious crowd. I really love this workshop and community and can't believe how much it has helped me grow in such short period of time. It's making me rethink how I organize way more than notes in Obsidian. So glad that I took the leap.

Sana A Ahmed - 2022-12-10T02:42:41.000Z

Sana A Ahmed

Brand Experience Consultant

"You write them like you're going to read them again" was a huge revelation.

Being able to give yourself different types of context, depending on where you are, has been... one of the most valuable lessons for me across any of the parts of this that we're talking about.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:46.000Z

Jonathan Splitlog


During the workshop, I saw finally saw how Maps of Content could work for me...They were so exciting

that I actually had a hard time sleeping those couple of weeks!"

Now I'm a note-maker. I'm writing as I'm reading. And I'm writing my own notes. My own thoughts. My own connections. My links.

It feels really terrific to be doing that, instead of note-taking.

Karen Hume - 2022-12-10T02:42:51.000Z

Karen Hume

Educator, Author, and Speaker

Before I took this workshop, I had unanswered problems with my productivity flow that I could only begin to solve. I continued to float from app to app to app like so many other people. Now that I've gone through it, I feel confident that I no longer need to do that - my system now is it. I'll still be with this when I'm 120 years old.

This is one of the most important courses I've taken in my life, and only wish I could have done it as a young student. I rate it well above Getting Things Done, Four Hour Work Week, and so many other branded books and gurus in the productivity world.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:54.000Z

Hung Su Nguyen

The Linking your thinking workshop helped me use my OWN brain when I write or make sense of all the data incoming. And to align what I do in those depths to what my core values and bigger mission is in life.

The experience I liked the most was the idea of making sharp choices: question everything. Especially your own assumptions and hidden ways of thinking and doing. (This was a game changer for me. My PKM is a direct reflection of me and not some half-modelled, half-copied system of someone else)

Desirée Kolman - 2022-12-10T02:42:40.000Z

Desirée Kolman

Moving from note-taker to note-maker is one of the most powerful ways you can improve the quality of your own thinking. This workshop will show you how to harness the power of idea emergence to improve your thinking, engage with the work of other thinkers, boost your creativity and make each day more productive.

I especially liked the Discourse community. Certain members of our cohort have been terrific about sharing their successes, failures, attempts, frustrations, aspirations and their organizational strategies, and I loved those interactions.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:55.000Z

Jack Beaudoin

At first, I was a bit hesitant in joining the workshop because of the price... but I went with my gut, and it was/is so worth the money.

The workshop makes you look into why you need a PKM in the first place and what it could do for you. At the end of the workshop, a new world has opened up, and you will realize this is just the beginning of the journey.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:38.000Z


I loved the prompts that helped me to explore what I know, why I know that to be true, and how to be open to interpreting my knowledge in new and interesting ways.

If you want to learn how to think better and create an easy-to-use resource for your vast wealth of knowledge, you need to take LYT. Also, if you want to meet a great group of curious open-minded people who are committed to learning and growing, you need to tap into the LYT community.

Charles Doublet - 2022-12-10T02:42:53.000Z

Charles Doublet

There are so many systems out there to help with organization and productivity. This workshop goes beyond simple management to integration of knowledge by providing a framework for creating an assistant to your own thinking, customized by you to whatever your needs are.

The Linking your thinking workshop will change the way you relate to knowledge and your own ideas.

It will change the way you think for the better.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:59.000Z

Helen Zhu

Linking Your Thinking provides me a method. A process I now use to grow my ideas. Before I took this workshop I had thousands of notes on Evernote. They contain everything that interest me, but these notes make me feel anxious because there was not an easy way to find them or have them related. Now I have more clarity in putting my ideas in order.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:29.000Z

Francisco Bricio

Physicist and Founder

Writing truly is the medium of understanding. If you are inspired by the ideas of Niklas Luhman's Zettelkasten and Sönke Ahrens' Smart Notes, the LYT framework and community will complete your transformative experience.

As a writer and content creator, I trade in ideas. Ideas don't work well in traditional folders and files. They require the freedom to intermingle and make connections where new ideas emerge. This workshop and the LYT framework showed me a scalable way of doing just that. I haven't looked back since.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:34.000Z

William Willis

Coach and Writer

I tried so many methods and platforms for organizing my thoughts but I was just overwhelmed and getting nowhere. The LYT workshop/community has helped me focus on note-making instead of bookmark-curating.

The workshop helped me ask the right questions about my goals. Like, what behaviors have I been repeating with method after method that kept me from being successful? Nick and the members of my cohort helped me answer those questions and helped me to enjoy engaging with my knowledge work again.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:39.000Z


Genetic Counselor

The best thing about the workshop is the mentor. He is always ready to listen, to guide, and knows his stuff.

The LYT workshop is a deep pool. Dive in head first, there be gold in the shimmering waters.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:52.000Z


Writer and Director

The price tag of the workshop is steep - granted. It's worth it, because there is a skill to be gained which yields insights - probably - till the end of life. The workshop provides a methodology to direct thinking to be connected, meaning that you'll be able to see and make connections which are unusual.Furthermore you get a no-nonsense approach to make a brain extension which suits you to store, retrieve and intermingle information. IMHO it is a necessity in this more and more information-driven world.

Before this workshop I had a hard time branching out my thinking and to come up with new ideas. During the last third of the workshop my thinking changed: I realized the connection to other things (both in professional as well as personal context) and that the world is made up of building blocks.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:31.000Z

Martin Schroeder

The workshop allowed me to go through a major shift in my mode of working with intellectual material, from hierarchical folders-based organization to idea emergence.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:49.000Z

George Por

I found the lessons in the Workshop extremely helpful. I loved that we were not encouraged to simply copy an existing system, but we were taught to create our own system based on our specific needs. The community was clearly an amazing addition! It was inspiring to find like-minded people who also wanted to substantially improve their note-making system

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:30.000Z

Giorgio Parlato

Before I took this workshop my knowledge was scattered all over the place and often buried in thousands of bookmarks of other people. Now that I've been through it, I got a clear system to have my knowledge all in one place. I have direct access and can work with it. And I have it separate from bookmarks and collected stuff. Before I was collecting more. Now I am creating more.

This is the one workshop you need when you are a content creator. You will benefit from it in ways you don't know in advance. It changes your whole game. Content creation becomes easier - and more fun.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:48.000Z

Andre Loibl

The Linking Your Thinking workshop is OUTSTANDING. Nick Milo is so genuine and generous in teaching and wholeheartedly wants everyone to increase their thinking potential. Plus, so many wonderful heart-centered people in the program.

Before I took this workshop I didn't know where to begin with Obsidian. Now I can see the potential and the sophistication available and am excited about what is to come.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:32.000Z

Alicia Berberich

One of the most valuable lessons that I learnt during the course was how minor changes in the process can have huge long-term effects.

Learning first to get rid of a rigid folder-based system was scary but useful. And later, bringing back some folders finding a balance between the structure and flexibility was a big deal in organizing my system. I now use a combination of flexible MOCs and very few carefully set folders on the broader level.

Being memory-driven, my PKM relies on linking everything through people and interactions with them. It was during this course that the immense power of having central heavy nodes (people) with a lot of minor nodes surrounding them and interlinked became apparent to me. And I don’t think I can go back to a folder-hierarchy!

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:47.000Z


Before I took this workshop, I was struggling with writing articles and my thesis. Now that I've been through it, new notes come fluidly, and my capacity to create new connections improves.

This workshop is for everyone who wants to turn their thoughts into something sharable with others. The followed hands-on lessons work for my tasks perfectly. Just this is mind-blowing. Besides that is helping me to write my thesis. My writing capacity improved and, now I know better methods to keep activating these brain muscles.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:43.000Z

Marcel Bragatte

The sense making sessions were the bomb. Having prompts in place and somewhat random topics to use as exercises in thinking was helpful. Now I have tools to reach for on the days when things are not so fluid.

 - 2022-12-10T02:43:00.000Z

Renee Kimball

Before I went through the LYT workshop, I thought that taking notes was a chore. Now that I've been through it, I take notes to help me make sense of the world around me, which is fun and incredibly rewarding.

I got the most value out of the sensemaking sessions, I thought they were a ton of fun and really showed me how I could do something similar in my own workflow.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:35.000Z

Kaleb Davis

Six weeks of intensive interactions with:

1. Great content. 2. Great people. 3. Great organization/production. 4. Great help to go over whatever issues emerged during the workshop. 5. Extremely friendly staff willing to help at ANY time even though I was a novice in many areas, and 6. It was even funny; I had a lot of fun and had many laughs together with my Cohort.

The biggest thing I am taking away is one of the most pleasant experiences in my entire life.

If you are looking for a "language" to exchange information between your most inner-self and the external world, this workshop will get you on the way.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:32.000Z


Before the LYT workshop I was overwhelmed by my accumulated thousands of notes and documents that were sitting unused. Now I have developed a workflow that allows me to be intentional about this process and actually make the content work for me instead of against me.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:43.000Z

Rob Shcick

The Linking Your Thinking workshop is a great opportunity to learn how to learn and think more efficiently, to have a clearer view on your life and activities, to enrich your soft skills, to build your own testimony for your future self, your partners and/or your children.

I now have a tool and a flexible, future-proof methodology to organize my knowledge, help me write more and improve my professional practice.

My biggest takeaway from the workshop is that my note taking/making system can become an asset to my business.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:57.000Z

Laetitia Remericq

Before I came to this workshop, I curated insightful pieces and occasionally integrated complex ideas into my own creative efforts.

Now, I build insights and create with a 10X productivity improvement. It is all far more rewarding and fun.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:50.000Z

Phil Kastelic

Developing Digital Presence

Before I took this workshop, I was using obsidian but I feared I was just wasting my time and effort putting data in without ever using it. Now, I have a scalable PKM that is matched to my goals. I know it will continue to grow as I grow.

The LYT workshop is perfect for both people who are looking to start a PKM, but don't know where or how, and those who have one but know they could do so much more with it. Either way, you'll find it incredibly valuable and end up with a system that works for you.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:56.000Z

Chris Wilson

I explored LYT with optimism but honestly did not have high expectations. Having research everything PKM over the last 10 years, I was fairly content with my system, but couldn't quite identify what was missing. To my surprise and delight, I found the missing link I was looking for  and was introduced to some really innovative ideas through Nick, LYT and my fellow students.

I cannot wait for the next course, as the people you meet on this journey are just as great as the lessons learned.

Three thumbs up from me!

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:58.000Z

Reggie G

Architectural Consultant

If you have a feeling that there might be a better way to get on top of your notes, go for this course. It takes away your struggle with the current system and instead adds a ton of benefits.

Nick put a massive amount of thought into good long-term note taking. He guides you through your own process in a competent and casual way. This course saves you a lot of time while providing high quality insights you can find nowhere else.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:37.000Z

Joschua Jonkoping

Non-profit worker

As a multipotentialite, I love all those shiny new objects - and courses, which has made me more hesitant to participate, especially in courses with a set and ambitious time frame instead of studying the content in my own pace.

But the cohort approach has worked wonders with me, because of the deep and open exchange within my team, a very intimate yet diverse subgroup of participants throughout the whole course, acting as a LYT "peer group" as much as making myself accountable.

This course is only for you, if you can and will invest a considerable amount of time during these six weeks ahead, not because of the content and time of the lessons, but because of the highly aspiring and motivating interaction within the cohort. The promise: You will never feel alone or isolated..

Thomas Tack - 2022-12-10T02:42:44.000Z

Thomas Tack

Having a place built from these concepts/structures can really improve how you do many of your daily activities. You would definitely be surprised by how fundamental it can be in so many of the things that you already do.

It's so pleasing to have a place where you can save and then quickly find many of the things that I want to remember.

 - 2022-12-10T02:42:42.000Z

Manuel Porto

Computer Science Student