About this session

The man behind The Cultural Tutor, the wildly successful Twitter account covering all things "culture."

Sheehan Quirke, better known by his nom de plume and Twitter handle The Cultural Tutor, hails from the parochial backwaters of England. He most recently worked at McDonald’s. And before that as a nightwatchman, when he spent the long night shifts reading and writing. He also has a law degree; but he never had any intention of becoming a lawyer.

Sheehan quit his job at McDonald’s in May and started a Twitter account which now has 260,000 followers. The Cultural Tutor was born. He also runs a weekly newsletter called Areopagus. It features seven short lessons on an historical figure, art, architecture, rhetoric, writing, and a relatable historical anecdote. Plus the question of the week, to explore critical thinking.

This is just the beginning; the future is very bright. He is now a Writer-in-Residence at Write of Passage. They pay for his books - and he writes online.

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